Code of Conduct

Riverside is a school that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment.  The purpose of this code of conduct is to establish and maintain a safe and comfortable atmosphere in the school, on the playground and at all school sponsored events.  All students, parents and staff have the right to be safe and feel safe in their school community. We begin with the premise that each individual in the school is responsible for his/her own behavior and that progressive discipline is a shared responsibility of school staff and parent/guardians.  Our ultimate goal is to assist each student to develop the self-discipline needed to monitor his/her own behavior so that intervention by adults becomes necessary less often.


  • A safe, caring school environment for students, staff, and parents is essential for quality learning.

  • Safety includes physical safety, emotional well-being, and a sense of security.

  • All members of our school community (staff, students, parents, community members) must work collaboratively to ensure a safe and respectful school climate.

  • All students can develop into positively contributing citizens who are accountable to themselves and others.

  • Acceptance benefits everyone. Inclusivity means treating others fairly, not based on size, appearance, background or language.


This code of conduct applies to students, parents, guardians, staff and any individuals involved with Riverside.  It applies to student behavior while on school property, while riding the bus and while involved in school related activities, on or off school property.  Conflict arising from off-site incidents that affect the school climate and level of safety are also subject to Riverside’s Code of Conduct.


  1. Demonstrate respect for yourself and others.

  2. Arrive promptly, ready to learn.

  3. Obey the rules and routines of the school.

  4. Be an upstander.

  5. Behave in a way that respects the rights of others to learn.

  6. Respect differences in each other (racial, ethnic, sexual, socio-economic and religious).

  7. Refrain from bullying behaviours.

  8. Speak respectfully (no profanity, threats, abusive language or offensive gestures).

  9. Ensure a safe environment (no drugs, cigarettes, lighters, matches, alcohol, laser pens, and weapons).

  10. Resolve conflict in non-violent ways (no hands on, verbal or physical assaults).

  11. Respect school property and the property of others.

  12. Accept decisions made by adults in charge.



  1. Promptly report their child’s absence or lateness.

  2. Help their child be neat and appropriately dressed for school.

  3. Communicate clearly to school staff information that may affect their child’s performance at school.

  4. Establish and maintain effective homework and study routines at home.

  5. Ensure their child arrives at school with the necessary materials, including healthy snacks and a lunch, if they are eating at school.

  6. Communicate routinely with their child’s teachers.

  7. Assist and encourage their child in following the rules and routines of the school.

  8. Review and reinforce the standards of behaviour with their child.



  1. Demonstrate respect for all students and members of our school community.

  2. Maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students.

  3. Communicate regularly and clearly with parents and guardians.

  4. Help students strive to reach their full potential.

  5. Help prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.

  6. Provide opportunities for students to serve as positive leaders in their classrooms, the school, and broader community.



A progressive discipline approach will be followed with respect to the application of consequences, except in cases of illegal activity or serious offenses that threaten the physical or emotional safety of others.  A collaborative problem solving model will be used when trying to understand the problem. The following is a list of possible consequences:

  • verbal reminder

  • verbal warning if behavior continues

  • verbal or written apology

  • detention

  • isolation on school yard or in classroom

  • time out in the office

  • call to parents/guardians at home or at work

  • removing or restricting school privileges; may include field trips

  • suspension  from the school yard

  • meeting with parents

  • setting up individual student/teacher contract

  • in-school “suspension” up to one day

  • suspension

  • repair, restitution or community service

  • involvement of outside agencies

  • police involvement for serious violent incidents or illegal activities

  • expulsion



Bullying can take several forms: physical, social, emotional, relational (i.e., exclusion) and cyber bullying.  The definition of bullying as stated by the Ministry of Education is “... typically a form of repeated, persistent, aggressive behaviour that is directed at an individual(s) that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear, distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation.  Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.” Bullying can have a significant negative impact on student and staff safety, learning and the school climate.  It is an offense for which suspension must be considered.



There are a number of activities that require the principal to consider suspending a student from school. A suspension must be considered in the event that the principal believes a student has engaged in any of the following activities while at school, at a school-related activity, or in any circumstance that impacts the school climate.  The Thames Valley District School Board identifies the following activities as possible reasons to suspend a student:

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person

  • Possessing alcohol or illegal drugs

  • Being under the influence of alcohol

  • Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority

  • Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the student’s school or to property located on the premises of the student’s school

  • Bullying

  • Persistent opposition to authority

  • Use of profane or improper language

  • Engaging in any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school

  • Engaging in any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of members of the school community

  • Engaging in any act considered by the principal to be contrary to the Board or school Code of Conduct or any of the Board’s policies and procedures related to safe schools



We do not use computers in any way which might damage equipment.

We do not breach security measures on local or remote sites (hacking).

We do not use another user’s account.

We do not unlawfully enter or attempt to enter into any network system.

We do not attempt to gain unauthorized access to view, alter, copy, share, or destroy data created.

We do not willfully transmit computer viruses or virus hoaxes.
