Kindergarten Handbook



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550 Pinetree Drive

London, ON N6H 3N1

Phone: 519-452-8510;   Fax: 519-452-8519

 Welcome to Riverside Public School.  This student handbook contains information which will help make your move to Riverside as comfortable as possible.  We are confident that your school experience will be both enjoyable and enriching.


This is our school mascot.  We are known as the Riverside Rams.   

People You Should Know  

Principal Mrs. Lynds
Vice-Principal Mrs. Campbell
Secretary Mrs. Walker
  Mrs. Wade
Learning Support Mrs. Hogan ( Gr. K - 2)
  Mrs. Leonard (Gr. 3 - 8)

Ms. Hoefs

              Important information about Attendance

If your child arrives late for school, please go to the office first to sign in and receive an admit slip. Someone in the office will walk your child to class. 

If your child needs to leave early for an appointment, please call the office first to have your child ready for pick up when you arrive.

If your child is ill, please keep your child home.  He/she will recover more quickly and will not infect others.  Please inform the office with a phone call before school starts at 1-844-305-3756.  Or through your smartphone mobile application: School Messanger (blue app) Otherwise, an automated system will phone you after school begins.  You can leave a report an absence 24 hours a day.

Time Event
9:00am Entry bell (all classes begin)
10:40am First Nutrition Break
1:30pm Second Nutrition Break
3:30pm Dismissal

The Home to School Partnership

Parents and teachers share the great responsibility of the child’s education.  We will keep you informed of your child’s progress and we will appreciate hearing your input and concerns. 

If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to call us at the school 519-452-8510 and we will return your call as soon as possible, or you may send a note in your child’s mailbag. 

We will communicate with you in a variety of ways:  telephone calls, notes in student mailbags, calendars/newsletters, website, smart phone apps, report cards in February and June, as well as parent/teacher conferences.

Entry and Dismissal

Staff members are on duty on the Kindergarten playground from 8:45 -9:00 a.m.  You are welcome to leave your child under their supervision if you would like to do so.  Please let the staff member know, so that they can ensure your child gets inside safely. Please note that parents are not to come into the Kindergarten yard during entry or dismissal.

Entry is at the 9:00 a.m. bell. (There is a warning bell at 8:58 a.m.) The children are to line up inside the Kindergarten playground and wait for the teacher to let them in.  If it is raining, students will be invited into the school through the west doors. Staff members will be on duty to supervise in the hallway/foyer. Please give hugs and kisses at the door.

Dismissal time is at 3:30 p.m. Those picking up children are asked to be prompt. Students are individually dismissed to parents/guardians, caregivers at either the Kindergarten Yard or at the West Door. This information will be communicated to you on the first day of school depending on your child’s teacher.  Every person picking up a child needs to be on the student’s information sheet.  Please contact the office if you need to add someone to the contact list.

Student Information Sheet

-available online in the portal for parents to complete –

Under the contact information section, please ensure that names are added of ALL people who will be picking up your child.  (i.e., even if it is an occasional time - neighbour, classmate’s parent).  We can only release your child to the person if their name is on the list.



The Kindergarten Program

 PLAY IS LEARNING.  Play is the work of children. 

Play can be self-directed or guided.  When children are in the playground or at home they engage in self-directed play.  When they are in the classroom, they engage in both self-directed and guided play.  The educator is organizing the opportunities for play, observing the children’s learning at play, and extending the play without interrupting the learning. 

When you walk into a classroom where children are learning through play you will see them talking to one another, writing, reading, acting, building, creating.  There will be movement and conversation.  And there will be laughter. 

In play there aren’t right and wrong answers.  There is exploration, experimentation, and explanation. 

In play children are able to project themselves into new situations, to pretend to be someone they aren’t, to empathize, to learn and apply rules of engagement, to plan and to assess. 

When you walk into a classroom and see children playing, engage with them.  Ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it.  Enter into the world they have created.  And know that they are learning.  Through play they will become more creative, more engaged, more questioning, more confident and more positive about learning.  And in the end this is the goal of education.  (Taken from “Playing is Learning, ETFO) 

play is learning

Young children learn best through activities that are relevant to their lives and varied enough to be challenging and engaging.

play is learning

The Early Learning-Kindergarten team comprises a Kindergarten teacher and an Early Childhood Educator (ECE).

Early Learning-Kindergarten team members recognize that their own learning is a continuous and reciprocal process- they learn from each other, and from the children and their families. 

(Graphics and text from “The Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten Program” curriculum document.)

Full document available at: 



 Talk to Your Child

Although many children have had previous nursery school, pre-school or daycare experiences, coming to “big school” in September is always an adjustment.  Some discussion before school begins about your child’s day, for example; how your child will come to school (car, walking, etc.), how long the class is, and how your child will get home may be helpful.  

Before the first day arrives, practice getting up at the new time and going through a morning routine.

One rather unpredictable aspect of starting school is your child’s reaction to separating from you.  Some parents think there will be a fuss, there is none.  Some parents think there won’t be a problem and there are many tears.  Other parents predict it the way it happens.  Be ready for anything!  Every year, a few children come in just fine for the first few weeks, and then they cling to their parents and don’t want them to leave - our interpretation of this, is that they just figured out that they now come regularly to school and they’d rather spend more time at home with you instead.  Whatever the situation is, entering school is an adjustment and it takes awhile for the children to feel comfortable with their new surroundings, their new friends, their new teacher, and establishing new routines.  Although it’s hard to do, if your child is crying and clinging to you at entry time, the best approach is for you to leave quickly.  Also, stay positive, and remain calm.  Most often the child settles down in a short while.  If they don’t settle down in a reasonable amount of time, the secretary will call you.  If the situation recurs for an extended period of time, we will discuss other strategies.  If your child is anxious about starting school, a good book to read is The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn.  Also read other books about starting school to help your child become familiar with a school setting. 

READ to your child!  And as Mem Fox, a reading expert recommends, “as we read together, it becomes a delicious chocolate kind of experience!”  For more information checkout   Talk about the story and ask your child to retell the story in his/her own words without looking at the pictures.


Encourage your child to do the following by him/herself:

  • recognize and print his/her name
  • dress him/herself, including outerwear
  • put on his/her shoes
  • properly use the toilet & wash hands
  • follow 1 or 2 directions
  • express him/herself clearly
  • listen to a story without interrupting
  • work on scissor cutting skills
  • Count fingers to 10


Send your child to school in clothes that are easily washed.  We will do our best to avoid paints, etc., on clothes but accidents do happen.  In case of another kind of  “accident”, what we recommend is to have a change of clothing including socks in a ziplock bag in the bottom of the backpack.  If a child becomes soiled due to a bowel movement, a caregiver will be contacted to come to the school to assist the child.  Please print names on clothing that your child might take off at school (sweaters, coats, hats, mittens, boots, scarves, raincoats, shoes). 

Running shoes must be worn for all activities, both in the gym and in the classroom.  A pair of indoor shoes should be left at school  - please label.  Runners with Velcro are ideal.  Sandals are not safe to wear on outdoor play equipment. 

During winter months your child will be required to try to independently put on and remove their winter attire.  Therefore, please encourage and practice with your child to do this independently.


Pack a large varied lunch, children will have a number of opportunities to eat throughout the day. Please try and pack healthy lunches as your child will be encouraged to eat their healthy food first. 

Riverside is a PEANUT FREE school. Please do not send any food that contains nut or nut products in your child’s lunch. 


Please talk to your child’s teacher about birthday celebration in their classroom.  If you are bringing in snacks they have to be pre-packaged (no home made items) with the Nut Free Label on it. 

Parent Volunteers

A positive and enriched program relies on the generous time of volunteers in and out of the classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to volunteer at Riverside.  Please watch for field trip forms and information coming home with your child.  We are not able to run field trips without your support.

Please Note:  Parent volunteers will need to have a Criminal Background Check completed before volunteering in the class.  Forms are available from the office.  Please remember to visit the office and sign in upon every visit. 

Home and School and School Council

Home and School and School Council play an important role is shaping the Riverside community. Meetings take place the first Monday of every month starting at 6:00pm.  Please join us and see how you can support our community.  You can also follow and message them on Facebook at Riverside Home and School.  
